Meet the first intelligent sports bra.
Meet the first intelligent sports bra.
Meet the first intelligent sports bra.
Meet the first intelligent sports bra.
Meet the world's first and only intelligent sports bra.
A sports bra made of high-tech materials that adapt to your unique body shape as you wear them.
The Freeli Sports Bra
€80,00Elite athletes call it The Houdini. It feels invisible. Live in this all day. No change of clothes required.
SHOP NOW >The Schnuggi Sports Bra
€100,00We broke the records: unmatched stability with zero hardware and our fastest drying bra yet.
SHOP NOW >The Schnuggi Ultra Sports Bra
The Ultra is a beautiful innovation for women who have more to deal with.
SIGN UP FOR EXCLUSIVE ACCESSWorld Rowing Champion, Switzerland
Olivia Roth
I've already thrown out all my other bras.
World Champion Swimrunner, Switzerland
Sabina Rapelli
I don't feel it. I don't know what to say.
Löw Tide Böyz Podcast, USA
Chipper and Chris
Everyone with breasts will be wearing this.
Swimrun Athlete, USA
Annie Molesberry
I would only wear a non-Swijin bra in case of utter emergency or theft.